The relaxation that you achieve through massages is comparable to a two week vacation. If you've never had a massage before, you may not be able to imagine. Try it! Thanks to our feel-good guarantee, you have nothing to lose.
The sports massage is an extension of the classic massage. Using firmer and stronger techniques, the main goal here is to loosen pain points and relax the deep muscles.
From 30 minutes
The aromatic massage uses essential oils that are massaged deep into the skin. The nervous, blood and lymphatic systems are stimulated more strongly than with the conventional classic Swedish massage. Depending on the type and composition of the oils and aromas used, the skin is cared for, relaxed, invigorated, refreshed, soothed, warmed or cooled.
From 30 minutes
With andullation, pain caused by various symptoms such as back diseases, fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis can be alleviated. In particular, pain that is caused by a symptom is usually associated with a long path of suffering, which reduces the quality of life. Andullation can help restore quality of life by bringing about pain relief.
20 minutes